Montorretas S.A. is a company devoted to the manufacture of lead shot (pellets) for hunting and competition sports and of lead granulate for steelmaking encapsulation processes, being leader in the European shotgun cartridge industry and located at c/ Montorreta, nº 20, Durango (in the Basque province of Bizkaia).
For a company such as Montorretas S.A., in order to be able to provide products required by both national and international markets, the concept of Quality and Environmental Management in all the activities and decision-making of the organisation is paramount – each and every one of the employees or partners taking on the responsibility of Quality and Environmental Management in their own sphere of work.
The commitment is to achieve total Quality through ongoing improvement, avoiding defects in the products, and aiming to maintain the environment through respecting it.
Its Integrated Policy is defined by providing training and other necessary human and material resources, these forming the driving force for the implementation and enhancement of its Integrated System of Quality Management and Environmental Management.
This is based on the following fundamental principles:
Customer satisfaction – one of the prime objectives -, giving us a competitive edge in the market and thus behoves the implication of all personnel as well as the establishment of and compliance with manufacturing and control processes
Commitment to the ongoing enhancement of the efficiency of the integrated management system.
Appropriate conduct in our activities, being respectful with the Environment, and management ensuring the protection thereof through the end quality of the product, through setting and meeting targets and complying with norms of conduct throughout all functions and in all areas of activity, products and services.
Commitment to the ongoing improvement in preventing contamination.
Commitment to complying with current environmental legislation and regulations and with any other requisites that the organisation may subscribe to.
Commitment to complying with the requirements of the clients, with our integrated management system, with the legislation and regulations that concern us and with any other requisites that the organisation may subscribe to.
Establishing an Integrated System of Quality Management and Environmental Management with the aim of providing a framework definition and review of the quality and environmental objectives and targets.
This Integrated System will be documented, implemented, kept updated and communicated to all personnel within the company.
This is available to all members of the public and to all interested parties, and communicated to all employees of the company.